x culture reflection

X-Culture Reflection

Now that we’ve had a break from the formal X-Culture schedule, it is time to do one last thing. This is to reflect on what you learned from the entire X-Culture experience.

Assignment: Write a detailed, thoughtful reflection on your X-Culture experience focusing on three issues:

1)What did I learn about myself?

2)What did I learn about the challenge of working in virtual teams?

3)What did I learn about the challenges of international marketing?

Sometimes students can think that writing a reflection is “easy.” I just recount what happened. When students do this, this is a chronology rather than a reflection. So, what is reflection?

Reflection is when we consider deeply something that we might not otherwise have given much thought to. Reflection is concerned with consciously looking at and thinking about our experiences, actions, feelings, and responses, and then interpreting or analyzing them in order to learn from them. The key to reflecting is spotting the patterns and links in thought that emerge as a result of your experiences in life and in learning.

Experience with reflective writing suggests that it takes time. It may require revision of an initial effort so as to make the essay truly reflective rather than a recounting of events or activity. Reflective writing is, however, one of the most powerful ways to connect learning with personal/professional development

Please note the words “thoughtful, detailed” in the assignment description. As with everything, I am not interested in simplistic statements like, “My team members were jerks.” “Working in virtual teams is hard.” “No one listened to my ideas.” “I found my soulmate and I am moving to Russia when class is done.” “International marketing is complicated.” This assignment is meant to take the X-Culture experience and make it meaningful to you. The deeper you can think about the experience and yourself, the stronger your reflection will be. I am especially interested in #1: What did you learn about yourself?

There is no page limit to this assignment. Please divide your reflection into the three sections noted above. The depth of your reflection and the insights given will determine your grade for the X-Culture experience.

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