theories of crime midterm 5 questions

covers chapters 1 – 4 in the text and the 2 articles that i will provide below.

  • essay exam – each question contains 2 subquestions. You should answer each subquestion in a 3-5 sentence response. This means that each completed question will be 2 short paragraphs, with a total of 6 – 10 sentences.
  • You should not directly quote the text or the articles. Responses with direct quotes will be an automatic 0 – even if you do cite them. In other words – no direct quoting!
  • Limited paraphrasing with citation is OK, but keep it VERY LIMITED. Paraphrases without citation will be an automatic 0.
  • each question contains 2 subquestions. You should answer each subquestion in a 3-5 sentence response. This means that each completed question will be 2 short paragraphs, with a total of 6 – 10 sentences. You should not directly quote the text or the articles. Limited paraphrasing with citation is OK.

THINK ABOUT THIS: The objective of this exam is for you to showcase your knowledge. I cannot assess how well you understand this material if you just copy and paste or paraphrase the authors. All that tells me is that you know how to identify the answer. I would rather read a response written by you as you understand the concepts over an eloquently-written one that paraphrases the author at every sentence.

Example- Although his ideas seem antiquated, what were some of Lombroso’s greatest contributions to the study of criminology?

Given answer: Cesare Lombroso, the “father of modern criminology,” moved away from the abstract, spiritually infused reasons for crime and instead emphasized scientific study of the criminal. For this reason, he is credited as being a paradigm shifter with the birth of the positivist school. Lombroso also put forth the idea of multiple-factor explanations to crime, reasons which included not only biology, but also social, cultural, and economic standing, factors prevalent in today’s study of crime.

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