physical development in lifespan development


The Imaginary Person Homework Assignments will be used to assess your understanding of the role that multiple, shifting contexts can have on the course of different forms of development. It will also serve as practice for the short-answer portions of your exams.

For each homework, you need to respond to each of the questions posed (see below), utilizing mainly course resources to support your conclusions and decisions. Some of the choices will be made for you based on luck of the draw or roll of the die. This is not about being far-fetched or comical, but rather recognizing the important and lasting effects of developmental contexts that may be working together or against one another.

Each homework will be graded on: responsiveness to the questions and scenarios presented, theory and use of supporting resources, and overall writing quality.

Some ground rules:

  • You must use the circumstances brought about by chance. Although you may be dealt a difficult circumstance, this can and does happen in life. In many cases, the likelihood I plotted is based on actual statistics and incidence rates. In other cases, you get to choose what happens. I am always available as a resource and sounding board. If the circumstances make you uncomfortable, please come and speak with me during office hours or by appointment.
  • Unless you are willing to do the legwork necessary to investigate other cultures or times in history, let’s assume the setting as modern-day United States. If you want to attempt anything different, please see me first.

For each question below, write a 50-150 word response. Make sure you answer all parts of the question. Write clearly and coherently (read it back to yourself out loud). Use course knowledge and concepts in your explanation.

1) Select a career for your imaginary person. Based on this choice, describe three age-related physical, motor, or sensory changes that may affect your imaginary person’s ability to perform their work optimally. For each, suggest how they might accommodate for those changes.

2) Activity level and nutritional choices are typically dictated by available resources, such as time and income, but also by family dynamics, residential setting, etc. Given your selected career and the context brought about by chance, describe your imaginary person’s likely activity level and diet. ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Virtually roll one die. 1 = rural residence; 2 = long commute to work; 3 = numerous family obligations; 4 = low-income; 5 = urban residence; 6 = physical disability). How will activity level and diet affect their physical health and well-being?

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