paragraph 5 32

Please write a paragraph responding to the discussion bellow. Add citations and references in alphabetical order.

Workplace advocacy strategies devise and contrive the capability of empowering the nurses to provide quality care to the patient. Though these approaches or strategies are instinctively and naturally complementary with emphasis or focus on consolidating and strengthening the voice of nursing and ensuring nurses get tangled or involved in workplace decisions affecting the patient care. The resourcefulness and ingenuity of some of the advocacy strategies at the workplaces incorporate shared governance which helps the nurses to motivate and concentrate on the organization’s micro level. However, this proliferation also spread and extends to the larger and beyond or outside the healthcare sphere or system (AAACN. 2016). More-so, other advocacy strategies are, creating organizational policies like nurse staffing. Nurse staffing can be indeed or easily inclined or influenced by the nurses participating in the nurse management council of the hospital. Empowering and inspiring the nurses can help in the improvement of environment and integrating a therapeutic milieu of which the nurses work while enhancing and improving the delivery of quality health care services. Furthermore, at the place of work, nurses can be provided with decision support and ways or skill of resolving conflicts at the point of delivering healthcare (Tomajan, 2012).

Having conflict or divergence resolution as an advocacy strategy helps the nurses to distinguish or identify and manage potential conflicts. It safeguards and ensures that nurses have the support of learning and practicing some of the specific and essential advocacy strategies. Patient advocacy is a fundamental strategy to the nursing profession since patients depend primarily on the nurses in ensuring they receive proper healthcare. Nurses in their workplace could also embrace problem-solving as an advocacy strategy. Among others is a communication where they bring different groups together thus helping in addressing issues. Besides, the above advocacy strategies, nurses could also involve or engage in optimistic and positive collaboration among themselves thus acquire the support necessitated addressing issues. It is imperative to take time to build a safety culture or to influence others. One will likely need to gather evidence about a problem, collaborate with others and build support to achieve a solution (Larson, J. 2016).
American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing (AAACN.2016).…
Larson, J. 2016.How Nurses Can Advocate Effectively for Safety AMN Healthcare, Inc. Retrieved from:…
Tomajan, K., (January 31, 2012) “Advocating for Nurses and Nursing” retrieved from OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing 17(1)

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