organizational behavior 139

Your Project Assignment (due Week Four) is to prepare a paper about Organizational Change. You can talk about the reasons for change, resistance to change, overcoming and dealing with change, and/or managing change. The choice is yours. ***References must come from the Keiser University Library***

Required length of writing: four pages. Be sure to use APA-formatted references.

Please upload your paper in a Word document via the assignment link in Week four.

Project Assignment Grading Criteria:

For Organization: 10 points possible
For Content/Knowledge: 40 points possible
Using References: 20 points possible ***References must come from the Keiser University Library***
Followed Guidelines/APA format: 15 points possible
Spelling/Grammar at the college level: 15 points possible

Total: 100 points Possible

***References must come from the Keiser University Library*** Login info below…

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Password: Brian0925.

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User name: 191329

Password: luis

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