your answers should be typed double spaced and at least four to five paragraphs per answer in length minimum longer answers are welcome and tend to score better

answer will begin with a clear topic sentence identifying the main point(s). The answer will consist of specific

examples from the readings and the course discussions. If there are any direct references (quotes or paraphrasing)

of sources, they will be properly referenced by source and page number (ex. Congo Document, p. 121 OR

Ways of the World, p. 188). The answer will be mistake-free, meaning it will be clearly written, without typos, and exhibit

proper grammar and spelling. The answer will end with a concluding sentence restating the main point or points.


What were some of the causes of World War I? How does the excerpt from All Quiet on the Western Front

describe the soldiers’ experience (be specific, provide details)? What were the two major turning points of the war? Why?

What was the Versailles Peace Treaty like (Wilson’s 14 points) and what were some of its problems? How did the

war and the Treaty impact Germany in the 1920s and 1930s?

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