medical advertisements

Part 1: Research & Review
Search online to find a medical, health facility, or communal-health advertisement. Medical advertisements might include drugs (prescription or over the counter), treatments, or medical devices. You might also find an ad for a local health facility. Alternatively, you can find an ad promoting a communal health topic, like drunk-driving, homelessness, or properly buckling children in car seats. Ideally, you should work within your chosen topic for Week 3 and 4, but if you cannot find an ad about your topic, go with one that sparks your interest.

Part 2: Application
Dissect your chosen ad based on the 4 appeals from this week’s lesson: logos, pathos, ethos, and kairos.

  • Attempt to find an example of each in your ad, and explain how each appeal tries to persuade the audience.
  • If an appeal is missing, then discuss how its absence effects the ad’s overall persuasion.
  • Finally, present your overall assessment of the ad’s effectiveness.
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