health management 8


Quality improvement continues to be a major focus in the healthcare industry. Fundamental to quality improvement is the connection between employee performance and patient satisfaction. Healthcare professionals struggle to balance a variety of competing forces driving the quality of care, mainly in the area of employee performance, care delivery, and patient satisfaction.

Action Items

  1. Complete Chapter 7: Ouality Improvement Basics and review the previous weeks’ reading in your textbook.
  2. Reread the case “Prelude to a Medical Error.”
  3. Using APA guidelines, develop an employee performance evaluation for this organization that connects patient satisfaction with employee performance.
  4. Incorporate the concepts of continuous quality improvement into your performance evaluation model.
  5. Based on your reading, create your employee performance evaluation system to link employee performance with continuous quality improvement strategies. The proposal should include the following:
    1. An explanation of each component and how it connects to quality improvement theories, tools, and concepts.
    2. A flow chart (or diagram) demonstrating the connections between employee performance and patient satisfaction
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