building db queries using relational algebra and relational calculus

Select two tables (not from the textbook) to demonstrate the following queries.

(Query 1) – (Query5):Relational Algebra

(Query 6) – (Query 7): Relational Calculus

(QUERY 1) Build a query consisting SELECT (sigma) operation(s) and show the result set.

(QUERY 2)Build a query consisting PROJECT (pi) operation(s) and show the result set.

(QUERY 3) Build a query consisting union operation and show the result set.

(QUERY 4) Build a query consisting intersection operation and show the result set.

(QUERY 5) Select two tables and build a query consisting division operation. Show the result set.

(QUERY 6) Rewrite (Query 1) using Tuple Relational Calculus.

(QUERY 7) Rewrite (Query 2) using Domain Relational Calculus.

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