alphabet book 1

You may create a Power Point presentation

I need the power point for Sunday, March 17

Holiday alphabet (this is the theme)

: Creating an Alphabet Book

RATIONALE: Alphabet Books represent an interesting blend of educational content and often elaborate illustration, typical of picture books. However, each often has at least two underlying goals: to educate and to entertain children (young and old). But, how do authors do that? What makes a great Alphabet Book? That’s what you will have to grapple with as you create your own Alphabet Book. Remember to keep the content, illustrations, and audience in mind. Have a great time.

GOAL: To Create an original Alphabet Book

Project: Children’s Picture Book (Counting or Alphabet)


  1. Create a children’s picture book, either a counting or an alphabet book
  2. Let your imagination go!!!!
  3. Build the book around a distinctive theme
    1. The theme must be approved before you begin
    2. This is to ensure that only one person is working on a particular theme
    3. As soon as you know what your theme is, let me know so that I can
      “lock it!”
    4. You are not expected to produce a book that looks like it was professionally printed.
      b. All methods are available to you: artistic (like drawing, etc.), collage, cut and paste (either from print sources or from the Internet)
      debe presentar las respuestas a lo siguiente:
      yo. Una introducción que describe su elección de tema (qué eligió y por qué)
      ii. Una explicación de las elecciones que hiciste para ilustrar el libro.
      1. ¿Qué intentabas lograr con las ilustraciones?
      2. Cómo el proceso de creación de las ilustraciones funcionó para usted (fácil, difícil, etc.)
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