rhit certification prep 3

Our Discussion this week will focus on reviewing Domain 2: Information Protection: Access, Disclosure, Archival, Privacy, and Security, which corresponds to Course Objective 2 (CO 2).

Once you review the relevant material, discuss at least two of the following.

Custodian of records




Sentinel event monitoring

Tracer methodology

Administrative safeguards

Psychotherapy note access



Can changes be made in a medical record


Notice of privacy practice

Subpoena duces tecum

Confidentiality vs privacy

Business associate

Security office responsibility

Healthcare clearinghouse

How long to retrieve records onsite? Offsite?

Minimum necessary

When would a breach notification be needed?

What is hearsay?

Is a consent needed for TPO

What are statutes?

Intentional tort

How long should x-rays be kept?

How long should the MPI be kept?

What does AHIMA recommend for retention length of adult records

Who owns the physical health record? What about the information?

If the state law for retention is stricter than HIPAA which do you follow?

If a facility creates a new policy how long should the old one be kept on file?

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